Determination method of 238U, 234U, 228Ra, 226Ra, 210Pb, 210Po radioisotopes in groundwater


238U, 234U, 228Ra, 226Ra, 210Pb, 210Po radioisotopes are always existed in nature as well as in under groundwater. It is poison when they entered to human body and their radio-activity is assessed from mBq/l to kBq/l by WHO and UNSCEAR. Their radio-activity is high but the concentration of them is very low, and when simultaneous spectral measurement will be gotten interference, so it is difficult to precisely determine by conventional methods. In order to determine simultaneously the above isotopes, chemical separation methods, isotope enrichment, advanced measurements and processing techniques are required. In this topic will show the method for simultaneously determination of natural radionuclides in water samples.
Keywords: Radioisotopes, Groundwater, natural radionuclide


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