Abstract: The paper aims to develop an MCNP5-ORIGEN2 coupling scheme for burnup calculation. Specifically, the Monte Carlo neutron transport code (MCNP5) and the nuclides depletion and decay calculation code (ORIGEN2) are combined by data processing and linking files written in the PERL programming language. The validity and applicability of the developed coupling scheme are tested through predicting the neutronic and isotopic behavior of the “VVER-1000 LEU Assembly Computational Benchmark”. The MCNP5-ORIGEN2 coupling results showed a good agreement with the k-inf benchmark values within 600 pcm during the entire burnup history. In addition, the differences of isotopes concentration at the end of the burnup (40 MWd/kgHM) when compared with benchmark values were reasonable and generally within 6.5%. The developed coupling scheme also considered the shielding effect due to gadolinium isotopes and simulated well the depletion of isotopes as a function of the radial position in gadolinium bearing fuel rods.
Keywords: MCNP5, ORIGEN2, burnup, coupling, VVER-1000 LEU.