Hướng dẫn về sự hài hòa của các khả năng ứng phó và hỗ trợ đối với trường hợp khẩn cấp hạt nhân hoặc phóng xạ


This publication is intended to be used by national authorities involved in emergency preparedness and response, and national response teams in all States. The guidelines provided need to be adapted to fit a State’s particular organizational arrangements, language, terminology, concept of operation, and capabilities. However, the products generated need to be compatible with the types and formats of the products described in this publication.
IAEA Member States that have registered their National Assistance Capabilities in RANET are strongly encouraged to review and adapt their arrangements to ensure that the assistance they provide is compatible with the guidelines described in this publication.

Nguồn tài liệu: https://www.iaea.org/publications/11159/guidelines-on-the-harmonization-of-response-and-assistance-capabilities-for-a-nuclear-or-radiological-emergency


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