Tổng hợp canxi cacbonat kích thước nano mét bằng phản ứng kết tủa trong môi trường trọng lực cao


Hoàng Văn Đức, Lê Bá Thuận, Hoàng Nhuận, Trần Ngọc Hà, Nguyễn Thị Thục Phương, Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thủy, Nguyễn Minh Thư
Viện Công nghệ Xạ hiếm

Abstract: In the recent years, nanosized materials have attracted much attention of many scientists and producers because of tremendous potential and applications in many industries, such as: electronics, optical, chemicals, environment and so on. Precipitated calcium carbonate nanoparticles (PCC) has been widely used as fillers for papermaking, plastics, coatings and agriculture. In this work, we research and develop a novel method (High gravity reactive precipitation – HGRP) to prepare nanomaterials through synthetic experiment of nano-CaCO3 with average size about 70 nm, using gas-liquid-solid reaction system. This paper also describes principles of the method and experimental conditions.
Từ khóa: nano-PCC, Công nghệ kết tủa trọng trường cao, canxi cacbonat



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