Sunday, February 23, 2025

Nghiên cứu xác định tỷ lệ đồng vị của Liti trong mẫu nước địa...

Tóm tắt: Đồng vị bền của Li có nhiều ứng dụng trong công nghệ hạt nhân, y học và nghiên cứu địa chất., Sự khác...

Separation and Analaysis of Actinides in Hardly Soluble Materials

The analysis of actinides in nuclear spent fuel or nuclear debris are important for actinide management, i.e., the decision of how to deal with actinides...

Liquid electrode plasma optical emission spectrometry and its applicability to analysis of radioactive samples

This paper introduces liquid electrode plasma optical emission spectrometry (LEP-OES), which has recently been applied to analysis of radioactive samples. Figure 1 illustrates the principle...

An in-situ approach to direct quantification of 238Pu by triple quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass...

The triple quadrupole ICP-MS has been an emerging technique for analysis of radio-isotopes due to its capability of discriminating interferences with the use of a...

Development of Analytical Methods for Measurement of Radioactive Elements

As the consequence of the nuclear accident due to The Tohoku Earthquake and tsunamis, a vast area of Fukushima was contaminated by radioactive materials releasing...

Probabilistic assessment of structural integrity of reactor pressure vessel in severe loading conditions caused...

Abstract Assessment of reactor pressure vessel structural integrity is an important issue for long-term operation of nuclear power plant. In our work, the integrity of a...

Modeling the UO2 ex-AUC pellet process

Abstract Studies on modeling uranium dioxide (UO2) powder and pellet processes from ammonium uranyl carbonate (AUC)- derived uranium dioxide powder (UO2 ex-AUC powder) were reported in the...

Protected Plutonium Production by Transmutation of Minor Actinides

Abstract “Protected Plutonium Production (P3)” has been proposed to enhance the proliferation resistance of plutonium by the transmutation of Minor Actinides (MAs). The enhancement of the production...

Applications of Electron Beam to Environmental Conservation

Abstract: The treatment of electron beam was tested for gaseous pollutants of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), dioxin, and inorganic oxides (NOX and SOX). The...

Non-Energy Applications of Nuclear and Radiation Sciencein Japan: a review

Abstract Japan has producedvery large quantitiesof power throughnuclear energy production, which of course, has beenunderlainby various nuclear and radiation sciencesand related technologies.Nuclear and radiation sciencehasalso...