Investigating coolant density effect in a VVER-1000 fuel assembly using neutronics-thermal hydraulics coupling scheme


Abstract: This paper presents a computational scheme using MCNP5 and COBRA-EN for coupling neutronics/thermal hydraulics calculation of a VVER-1000 fuel assembly when the coolant density effect is taking into account. A master program was written using the PERL script language to build the corresponding inputs for the MCNP5 and COBRA-EN calculations and to manage the coupling scheme. The hexagonal coolant channels have been used in the thermal hydraulics model using CORBRA-EN to simplify the coupling scheme. The results of two successive iterations were compared with an assigned convergence criterion and the loop calculation can be broken when the convergence criterion is satisfied. Numerical calculation has been performed based on a UO2 fuel assembly of the VVER-1000 reactor.
Keywords: MCNP, COBRA-EN, coupling scheme, power distribution.




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