Mức độ can thiệp vận hành cho các trường hợp khẩn cấp về lò phản ứng


The IAEA safety standards require the establishment of predetermined default operational criteria as part of the protection strategy for nuclear and radiological emergencies. The IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 7, Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency, in para. 4.28(4) stipulates that: “Once the protection strategy has been justified and optimized and a set of national generic criteria has been developed, pre-established operational criteria (conditions on the site, emergency action levels (EALs) and operational intervention levels (OILs)) for initiating the different parts of an emergency plan and for taking protective actions and other response actions shall be derived from the generic criteria”.
This publication provides selected default OIL values for taking protective actions and other response actions to protect the public in an emergency involving a severe release of radioactive material from a light water reactor or its spent fuel, the methodological approach for their derivation, as well as practical tools and recommendations for their use, which will assist IAEA Member States in meeting the requirement of deriving pre-established OILs.
The default OIL values provided in this publication will contribute to the harmonization of national criteria for implementing protective actions and other response actions, a need that was emphasized by the 55th IAEA General Conference in resolution GC(55)/RES/9. It was again highlighted by the 56th IAEA General Conference in resolution GC(56)/RES/9, which stressed “the importance of the establishment and implementation of national emergency preparedness and response measures, based on the Agency’s Safety Standards and relevant action plans, for improving preparedness and response, including communication in an emergency, and contributing to the harmonization of national criteria for protective and other actions”.

Nguồn tài liệu: https://www.iaea.org/publications/11093/operational-intervention-levels-for-reactor-emergencies


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