Mutation breeding for anthracnose resiatance caused by Colletotrichum capsici in Chili


Abstract: In Thailand, there are three major species of Colletotrichum spp. which caused anthracnose disease to chili product; Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, C. capsici and C. acutatum. In 2015, the researchers from Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology reported a first success of radiation-induced mutation breeding for anthracnose resistance which caused by C. gloeosporioides in Sukhothai. Anywhere there was no anthracnose disease caused by C. capsici or C. acutatum in this area. Therefore, breeding program for anthracnose resistance caused by C. capsici was moved to Nan, a mountainous area where chili plants are often infected with C. capsici. M1 seed of irradiated CA-1131, hybrid chili (3228 x CA1331), pure CA1131 and the two seclected CA1131 (anthracnose resistance causing by C. gloeosporioides) lines were planted in Nan agricultural and development Research Center in rainy season of 2016-2018. The results revealed that anthracnose disease caused by complex C. gloeosporioides and C. capsici. After three years, anthracnose resistance lines were investigated in 2018. Twenty-eight anthracnose resistance chili plants in field experiment were selected after anthracnose appearance in Nan province in M3 generation. Ten samples of resistance chili fruits per plant were inoculated with C. capsici and the result showed that the chili fruit No.4 was show a completely fresh without any infection after inoculation.
Keywords: chili, anthracnose, colletotrichum capsici, mutation


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