Preparation Alpha Source U234, U238 for Alpha Spectroscopy by Electroplating using Isopropyl Alcohol


Tác giả: Le Cong Hao, Luu Xuan Tinh, Chau Van Tao, Nguyen Van Dong, Ho Nha Nghi, Pham Thuy Dung, Phan Thanh Liem.

Tóm tắt: Over the past few decades, many methods for the preparation of alpha source of 238U, 234U by electrodeposition technique for alpha spectroscopy analysis have been developed but none have been specifically designed to facilitate in a field situation. This article describes a simple preparation technique of uranium source by electrodepositing using isopropyl alcohol that is easily realized. In order to obtain optimum conditions for deposition, several parameters influencing the quality of layers such as current, distance between the anode and cathode and the deposition time were investigated. With optimal parameters, the 238U, 234U isotopes can be deposited quantitatively on a stainless steel disk within 20 to 40 minutes with nearly 100% yield and good energy resolution.




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