The Annual Report for 2020


The VINATOM Annual Report for 2020 has been prepared as an account of works carried out at VINATOM for the period 2020. Many results presented in the report have been obtained in collaboration with scientists from national and overseas universities and research institutions.


Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Annual Report 2020 of Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute is modified, completed and issued. This report aims to summarize the significant activities of the Institute during the period 1 January to 31 December 2020.

The first main part of this publication seeks to provide the status of the Institute and illustrative descriptions of the Institute’s activities within the context of unprecedented difficulties in enduring and coping wih severe consequences of the pandemic. Refusing to step back, under the direction of the Board of Management, Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute has flexibly and determinedly made huge efforts to surpass certain obstacles and achieved proud results in terms of research, services and applications.

1. Research Reactor, Nuclear Power Technology, Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Power
2. Instrumentation, Nuclear Electronics
3. Industrial Applications
4. Applications in Ecology, Environment and Geology
5. Applications in Biology, Agriculture and Medicine
6. Radiation Safety and Radioactive Waste Management
7. Radiation Technology
8. Radiochemistry and Materials Science
9. Computation and other related topics.

The reports are expected to offer all readers an insight into the Institute’s accomplishments in research and development throughout the year.

A photo collection covering the Institute’s 2020 remarkable events is added into this publication as a vivid description of what we have been through.

The pandemic will pass, but sustainable values remain. We sincerely thank those making great contribution and giving concern to the publication. We highly appreciate your continued trust, cooperation and support.


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