Hội nghị Khoa học và Công nghệ hạt nhân lần thứ 14


Chương trình Hội nghị

Bài trình bày, Video tại Phiên toàn thể và các Tiểu ban:

Application of the conservative and best estimate plus uncertainty approach to analysis of LB-LOCA accident for VVER-1200/491 reactor using RELAP 5 – Hoang Tan Hung 

Performance comparison of ANN-based model and empirical correlations for void fraction prediction of subcooled boiling flow in vertical upward channel – Nguyen Ngoc Dat

Identification of cold-leg break size in LOCA accident using artificial neural networks and simulation database – Le Thi Hong Ngoc

Preliminary study of thermal hydraulics system for small modular reactor type pressurized water reactor used for floating nuclear power plant – Cao Dinh Hung

Performance of genetic algorithm with improved selection techniques for fuel loading optimization of the DNRR with HEU fuel – Phan Thi Thuy Giang

Neutronic characteristics at irradiation positions of the Dalat research reactor after refueling – Pham Quang Huy

Fuel burn-up calculation for the Dalat nuclear research reactor by using SERPENT and MCNP6 computer codes – Nguyen Kien Cuong

Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of major isotopes on the keff of the startup DNRR core with HEU fuel using MCNP6 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 library – Chu Thoi Nam

Heat flux monitoring and control in the nuclear fusion technology – Hiroto Matsuura

Study on the impact of ENDF/B-VII.1 nuclear library uncertainty on the CERMET fuelled ADS calculation result using Monte Carlo method – Vu Thanh Mai

Design of a FPGA-based digital reactivity meter for of Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor – Vo Van Tai

Evaluation of various thermal-hydraulics models for Nuclear Research Reactor WWR-SM Tashkent using best-estimate code RELAP5/Mod.3.3 – Truong Hoang Tuan

[Poster] Maximum cladding temperature prediction for nuclear research reactor WWR-SM Tashkent using best-estimate code RELAP5/Mod.3.3 – Truong Hoang Tuan

[Poster] Calculation of activity inventory in the graphite reflector of Dalat research reactor using MNCPX AND ORIGEN2.1 CODE – Tran Quoc Duong

[Poster] Sử dụng chương trình tính toán PLTEMP4.2 và RELAP5/Mod.3.3 phân tích các thông số thủy nhiệt của bó nhiên liệu HEU WWR-M2 khi đặt trong bẫy neutron của lò phản ứng hạt nhân Đà Lạt – Ho Nguyen Thanh Vinh

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